Admission Process

This year Pallavanjali  revamped its Admission process which resulted in an increase in our admission numbers. Along with the student our conscious focus has been parent counselling.

When a parent enquires or walks in for admission an initial form is filled up. Then student is called for an observation to ascertain the functional level. One or both parent sits with a teacher for sharing of information related to birth, medical, and early year history and also the present status of the student. Parent counseling at this point is of prime importance. Parents are assured of admission of their ward into a programme best suited and is according to his /her level.

The commencement of the Assessment center has helped consolidate the admission process as we now have a bank of standardized tests to back up the Initial assessment.

We have addressed 100% of enquiries last year which was 160.  90 students were inducted in our various programs. 40 students did not come back after the initial query and 30 did not get back after assessment. Having stream lined the process of admission, there has been an increase in the numbers of admission.